Origami Dog Puppet. Fold the right point over to the left point. You will end up with a type of “m”. Child handmade…

Origami Star Wars Finger Puppet Instructions. What is the case of origami yoda? Place your paper so it's a diamond shape with the…

Origami Yoda Instructions Puppet. Star wars origami tutorials with video instructions. These are dwight's instructions for folding a simple origami yoda finger puppet…

Easy Origami Yoda Finger Puppet Instructions. See tom's books, website or other videos for many more star wars origami. Easy step by step…

Origami Yoda Jabba The Puppet. The writing was great and the series always has a different problem. A new educational program designed to…

Giraffe Paper Bag Puppet. There was one more member named namiko, but her family was moving away. Stuffed animals aren't just for little…

Giraffe Paper Puppet. Welcome to toys link, we provide little treasures for your little ones. Learn more about animals at. Giraffe Harriet Rose…

Origami Cat Puppet. Turn around and do it the same from the other end too. Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first…